Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Madi, CSI Agent

Last Sunday, a couple of friends and I participated in this huge science competition. In the competition there are many events: rocket building, root beer brewing, catapulting, cardboard armor, etc. Well, my group participated in the forensics competition. Together, we solved a robbery and murder in an hour and ten minutes. It was a lot of fun; we are awaiting the response to whether we reached the correct solution and if we won. We did very well, and took some pictures. Some are a bit fuzzy since I am a bad picture taker.

A table was laid out that had all kinds of things that we would need to solve the crime.

Fingerprints were hanging on the wall so all could see.

A ton of people showed up. Some groups were just arriving when we turned in our solution.

A suspicious boarding pass from the suspect's house is posted.

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