Saturday, August 30, 2008

Another Week

My first week of school was O.K, I guess. I've already been assigned two projects and have had tons of homework, but that's school I guess. I am so glad for the weekend, though, especially the three-day break. I'm hoping to go to the movies with some friends, and of course the water park that's near my house. It's been a pretty so-so week overall. I've had my highs and lows, but nothing too huge.

My dad is in Canada right now, attending my great-grandmother's funeral. She was 96; it was her time to go. I still miss her though; the family reunions just won't be the same.

On another note, my brother and I are hooked on the Mario and Sonic at the Olympics game for Wii. We can't get our hands off of it. It's hard though!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

It's here! Summer is officially over while school begins. My first day was O.K, not as disastrous as it could be. I can't believe I am actually in the eighth grade. My day started out great; I had my cute first day outfit picked out and got to school O.K. My first period: Spanish. I can tell I'm going to like this class because the teacher is so relaxed. Next was Algebra, then Language Arts. I didn't eat lunch until 1:45, though, thanks to the first day confusion. I like my classes, though one of my teachers kind of creeps me out. She's a little weird. Finally, Athletics, then the final bell. I was able to find at least one friend in each class, but not as many as I was hoping for. I wish I could at least eat with my friends at lunch; instead, we have to sit in the order we come into the cafeteria. Oh well, I'll deal with it. Tomorrow includes U.S History, Science, L.A., then Athletics. Hope I find even more friends.

How was your first day? Was it as great as mine? Leave a comment to share your experience. And don't forget to share "Be Happy" with your friends. Thanks!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Day on the Lake

Summer went out with a bang. One of my friend's sister was supposed to go to this lake with all of her firends. When they bailed out on her, she asked my friend to invite a couple of people to go out with them. I was chosen. We spent the day on a lake, jetskiing, wakeboarding, and, of course, tubing. It was my first time jetskiing, so I had a great time. I've wakeboarded before and I got some air coming out of the wake (not a first for the superlight me). I questioned tubing, though. My cousins and I are some serious tubers. A couple years ago, I almost broke my nose twice coming down after a 6 foot jump. This ride wasn't that deadly. I had a great time holding on for dear life with two other people on a 5 foot tube.

So all this talk about tubing and some of you are wondering, "What the heck is tubing?" Well, it's a "sport" that uses a tube (looks like a big donut with the hole filled in) that one or two people can lay across on. The tube is pulled by a boat (or jetski) and the fun is all the twists and turns that the driver lays on the tube.

Anyway, a great end to summer. Hope the school year is just as fun. Have you had any tubing experiences?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Getting Ready for School (the good, the bad, and the ugly)

As I said before, school starts next Monday for me. A good thing to get back into the routine of things, a not so good thing to say bye-bye to summer. Anyway, I haven't exactly had an easy-breezy preparation. I had to go to the doctor for my physical so I can participate in Athletics (P.E.). While there, someone brought up my shot record; the doctor realized I hadn't received a couple vaccines. So, two shots later (I still despise shots), I was in pain. The next day, I had a reaction to one, I mean fever, swelling, puking, and, of course, pain. The good thing: I was back to normal in a couple of hours.

If that wasn't enough, doctor's orders also included an x-ray of my spine to check for scoliosis. I'm not one to get shy, but a part of taking a picture of the inside of my body freaks me out. On top of it all, the scrubs they made me wear were a little bit too big for me. It was all I could do to keep the pants up. Overall, though, not a huge ordeal.

Today, I get my school schedule, and, don't forget, my orthodontist appointment. I finally grew in my last permanent tooth. I'm happy, even though it took five years to come in. I can just hope it comes in straight. Of all my problems with my body, my teeth are the worst. Not one came in right; a couple were a little crooked, but I've had a couple that either came in backwards or five teeth over or both. I had top and bottom braces for almost 2 1/2 years and have had my second set for a couple of months. Hopefully this phase doesn't last as long.

I hope your getting ready for school experiences weren't as bad as mine. But, if you have an exception, leave a comment. I'd love to be comforted that I'm not the only one.

Monday, August 18, 2008


I just got back from my vacation in Destin, Florida. It's this tiny little town right on the beach. I had such a great time. During my weeklong visit, I found some way cool shells. Some were over four inches long. I also caught a ton of crabs (with my bare hands =). My first day there, the ocean was black with fish. If you stood in the middle, there was a circle of green surrounded by black around you. It was pretty cool. I caught a ton of waves with my boogie board and was beat up by the 5-foot-tall waves. Overall, a happy vacation =)!

On another note, this is my first blog. I'm excited; yeah. Enjoy your last week of summer vacation, if you're not already in school. Be happy!